Thursday, February 3, 2011


We can all breathe a sigh of relief that we survived the "Blizzard of 2011" but at what cost? My kids have been couped up for THREE WHOLE DAYS and my husband has been working marathon shifts at the hospital...AND I'm down to the last 8oz of wine in the fridge!!!  Well never fear, imagination is here! I've been wracking my brains on what Maybug (4yrs old) can take to preschool for Valentines Day to give her sweet friends and the solution has revealed itself. We made crayons today out of all the broken bits in her craft box. (Good thing for me she threw a tantrum 2 weeks ago and broke several handfuls before I snatched her....G-d works in mysterious ways, no?) So if you are searching for something to keep your little darling from climbing the walls AND need a fun gift please consider trying this!
1. Peel all the broken crayons so they are free from paper...great thing for kids to do since they love destruction!
2. Have child put crayon pieces in the wells of a muffin tin...1/4 full at least
3. Heat oven to 350 degrees
4. Pop the crayon-filled muffin tin and and watch them melt!
5. Take out before the melted mess starts to bubble (if it already has then allow to cool, and re-melt)
6. Allow to FULLY cool (an hour or more) and they should pull away from the sides and pop right out, if not coming out, put the whole mess in the freezer and forget about them for 15 min and then try again! :o)


  1. You are a great writer and this is a fun idea!

  2. Love it. What a great mom you are!
    Love, Amy

  3. LOVE! We will do this this afternoon!
