Tuesday, March 8, 2011

(re)Purposeful: Home-grown Baby Wipes!

I've decided that guilt is an unfortunate side-effect of motherhood. No matter what you do, someone always feels free to share their criticism, even about the littlest things! When I had my first child I felt AWFUL about putting her in disposable diapers, not being able to nurse her til she was 7yrs old, and don't get be started about vaccinating! My bestie from Texas was one of the wonderful moms in my life that was encouraging and supportive. She also has amazing ideas and one night, after a 90 minute phone-therapy session, we came up with this great idea: Home-made Baby Wipes!

Who has time to run to the store at 4am, when your baby has cleared their diaper and splattered the wall behind them? With just a few staples on hand, you can make your own wipes at a fraction of the cost and be eco-friendly all at the same time!

My darling Lyndy (Texas bestie) actually sews her own flannel wipes and sells them. You can throw them in the wash and re-use them til they disintegrate! http://lyndysrantsandraves.blogspot.com/    <----This is the link to her blog so you can contact her, if like me, you couldn't sew a button if your life depended on it! 

While waiting for her to sew me a batch, I used "Choose a Size" paper towels. I chose the smaller size, folded them in thirds and layered them in an empty wipe container. Once I filled the box, I made this delightful cleanser to keep the wipes wet: (Use this recipe on the re-usable wipes too)

Wipe Cleanser Recipe:
3 C Water
1/4 C Olive Oil
1 TBS Baby Shampoo or Baby Wash
*6-8 Drops Lavender Essential oil or Eucalyptus Essential Oil (sometimes I use both)

*The essential oil is important because it's a natural disinfectant so it will inhibit mold growth in the container, and Lavender oil is an anti-inflammatory so it's super soothing! You can find it at most Organic grocery stores.

**Now definitely don't start this on a newborn, as their skin is so delicate and their allergies may not be known yet. Also, if your baby does have a lot of allergies ask their pediatrician first!**

I just love the fresh smell of these wipes and one wipe cleans a lot more than the store-bought brands. They are so much softer too!  It's nice to have an easy fix to at least ONE of the many things I feel guilty about! :o)


  1. Sounds definitely like a winner!

  2. I've used 'em for years and just love them! They are soooo much softer than store brands and smell so good...before you use them I mean! :o)
