Monday, February 28, 2011

(re) Purposeful: Hospital Whiteboard

My dear husband is not prone to bringing home strays so when he called Saturday afternoon and asked if he could swing by his work to pick something up, my interest was definitely piqued! The hospital he works at is remodeling some of their rooms and they had a whole stash of homeless dry-erase boards headed for the dump, free for the picking!
Once he brought it home we got right to work cleaning the front and using adhesive remover to get the tape remnants off. I found WASHABLE dry erase markers....yes washable....and a cute little eraser at Walmart. We hung it at "kid level" in the kitchen on bulldog hooks for extra stability. Now, how to keep the markers convenient to use but out of the way? I found an old dishwasher basket that holds the markers, the eraser and hangs off the frame of the whiteboard. 


The kids LOVE it and haven't watched TV since we put it up!


  1. That is great, Amy! Anything to make Mom's life easier while in the kitchen is a plus! I love white boards. Just a tip...did you know that bath board from the lumber yard is the same as the expensive white boards? I used a large piece and made a four month calendar on it and hung it by the garage door, the door we use all the time. It was nice to glance at it to see what was going on before running out the door. The days of the week I did in permanent marker and the month other things that changed I did in wipe off markers. I only had to change it every four months (sometimes two months depending). It was awesome.

  2. Vickie-you have to get out of my head! LOL! I was actually planning on buying tile board and blogging about that til this free one made it's way to my house! When you get your blog up you simply MUST write about it and post pictures! It's such a great idea!I kinda love my hospital one because it's already framed and has nice sturdy hooks on the back and sides for hanging. Thanks so much for your comment!
